八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > of the nature of things >


of the nature of things-第29部分

小说: of the nature of things 字数: 每页4000字

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Which; by combining one with other; they
Are powerful to create: because of this
It comes to pass that those primordials;
Diffused far and wide through mighty aeons;
The while they unions try; and motions too;
Of every kind; meet at the last amain;
And so become oft the commencements fit
Of mighty things… earth; sea; and sky; and race
Of living creatures。
                      In that long…ago
The wheel of the sun could nowhere be discerned
Flying far up with its abounding blaze;
Nor constellations of the mighty world;
Nor ocean; nor heaven; nor even earth nor air。
Nor aught of things like unto things of ours
Could then be seen… but only some strange storm
And a prodigious hurly…burly mass
Compounded of all kinds of primal germs;
Whose battling discords in disorder kept
Interstices; and paths; coherencies;
And weights; and blows; encounterings; and motions;
Because; by reason of their forms unlike
And varied shapes; they could not all thuswise
Remain conjoined nor harmoniously
Have interplay of movements。 But from there
Portions began to fly asunder; and like
With like to join; and to block out a world;
And to divide its members and dispose
Its mightier parts… that is; to set secure
The lofty heavens from the lands; and cause
The sea to spread with waters separate;
And fires of ether separate and pure
Likewise to congregate apart。
                               For; lo;
First came together the earthy particles
(As being heavy and intertangled) there
In the mid…region; and all began to take
The lowest abodes; and ever the more they got
One with another intertangled; the more
They pressed from out their mass those particles
Which were to form the sea; the stars; the sun;
And moon; and ramparts of the mighty world…
For these consist of seeds more smooth and round
And of much smaller elements than earth。
And thus it was that ether; fraught with fire;
First broke away from out the earthen parts;
Athrough the innumerable pores of earth;
And raised itself aloft; and with itself
Bore lightly off the many starry fires;
And not far otherwise we often see
       。     。     。     。     。     。
And the still lakes and the perennial streams
Exhale a mist; and even as earth herself
Is seen at times to smoke; when first at dawn
The light of the sun; the many…rayed; begins
To redden into gold; over the grass
Begemmed with dew。 When all of these are brought
Together overhead; the clouds on high
With now concreted body weave a cover
Beneath the heavens。 And thuswise ether too;
Light and diffusive; with concreted body
On all sides spread; on all sides bent itself
Into a dome; and; far and wide diffused
On unto every region on all sides;
Thus hedged all else within its greedy clasp。
Hard upon ether came the origins
Of sun and moon; whose globes revolve in air
Midway between the earth and mightiest ether;…
For neither took them; since they weighed too little
To sink and settle; but too much to glide
Along the upmost shores; and yet they are
In such a wise midway between the twain
As ever to whirl their living bodies round;
And ever to dure as parts of the wide Whole;
In the same fashion as certain members may
In us remain at rest; whilst others move。
When; then; these substances had been withdrawn;
Amain the earth; where now extend the vast
Cerulean zones of all the level seas;
Caved in; and down along the hollows poured
The whirlpools of her brine; and day by day
The more the tides of ether and rays of sun
On every side constrained into one mass
The earth by lashing it again; again;
Upon its outer edges (so that then;
Being thus beat upon; 'twas all condensed
About its proper centre); ever the more
The salty sweat; from out its body squeezed;
Augmented ocean and the fields of foam
By seeping through its frame; and all the more
Those many particles of heat and air
Escaping; began to fly aloft; and form;
By condensation there afar from earth;
The high refulgent circuits of the heavens。
The plains began to sink; and windy slopes
Of the high mountains to increase; for rocks
Could not subside; nor all the parts of ground
Settle alike to one same level there。
  Thus; then; the massy weight of earth stood firm
With now concreted body; when (as 'twere)
All of the slime of the world; heavy and gross;
Had run together and settled at the bottom;
Like lees or bilge。 Then ocean; then the air;
Then ether herself; the fraught…with…fire; were all
Left with their liquid bodies pure and free;
And each more lighter than the next below;
And ether; most light and liquid of the three;
Floats on above the long aerial winds;
Nor with the brawling of the winds of air
Mingles its liquid body。 It doth leave
All there… those under…realms below her heights…
There to be overset in whirlwinds wild;…
Doth leave all there to brawl in wayward gusts;
Whilst; gliding with a fixed impulse still;
Itself it bears its fires along。 For; lo;
That ether can flow thus steadily on; on;
With one unaltered urge; the Pontus proves…
That sea which floweth forth with fixed tides;
Keeping one onward tenor as it glides。
  And that the earth may there abide at rest
In the mid…region of the world; it needs
Must vanish bit by bit in weight and lessen;
And have another substance underneath;
Conjoined to it from its earliest age
In linked unison with the vasty world's
Realms of the air in which it roots and lives。
On this account; the earth is not a load;
Nor presses down on winds of air beneath;
Even as unto a man his members be
Without all weight… the head is not a load
Unto the neck; nor do we feel the whole
Weight of the body to centre in the feet。
But whatso weights come on us from without;
Weights laid upon us; these harass and chafe;
Though often far lighter。 For to such degree
It matters always what the innate powers
Of any given thing may be。 The earth
Was; then; no alien substance fetched amain;
And from no alien firmament cast down
On alien air; but was conceived; like air;
In the first origin of this the world;
As a fixed portion of the same; as now
Our members are seen to be a part of us。
  Besides; the earth; when of a sudden shook
By the big thunder; doth with her motion shake
All that's above her… which she ne'er could do
By any means; were earth not bounden fast
Unto the great world's realms of air and sky:
For they cohere together with common roots;
Conjoined both; even from their earliest age;
In linked unison。 Aye; seest thou not
That this most subtle energy of soul
Supports our body; though so heavy a weight;…
Because; indeed; 'tis with it so conjoined
In linked unison? What power; in sum;
Can raise with agile leap our body aloft;
Save energy of mind which steers the limbs?
Now seest thou not how powerful may be
A subtle nature; when conjoined it is
With heavy body; as air is with the earth
Conjoined; and energy of mind with us?
  Now let us sing what makes the stars to move。
In first place; if the mighty sphere of heaven
Revolveth round; then needs we must aver
That on the upper and the under pole
Presses a certain air; and from without
Confines them and encloseth at each end;
And that; moreover; another air above
Streams on athwart the top of the sphere and tends
In same direction as are rolled along
The glittering stars of the eternal world;
Or that another still streams on below
To whirl the sphere from under up and on
In opposite direction… as we see
The rivers turn the wheels and water…scoops。
It may be also that the heavens do all
Remain at rest; whilst yet are borne along
The lucid constellations; either because
Swift tides of ether are by sky enclosed;
And whirl around; seeking a passage out;
And everywhere make roll the starry fires
Through the Summanian regions of the sky;
Or else because some air; streaming along
From an eternal quarter off beyond;
Whileth the driven fires; or; then; because
The fires themselves have power to creep along;
Going wherever their food invites and calls;
And feeding their flaming bodies everywhere
Throughout the sky。 Yet which of these is cause
In this our world 'tis hard to say for sure;
But what can be throughout the universe;
In divers worlds on divers plan create;
This only do I show; and follow on
To assign unto the motions of the stars
Even several causes which 'tis possible
Exist throughout the universal All;
Of which yet one must be the cause even here
Which maketh motion for our constellations。
Yet to decide which one of them it be
Is not the least the business of a man
Advancing step by cautious step; as I。
  Nor can the sun's wheel larger be by much
Nor its own blaze much less than either seems
Unto our senses。 For from whatso spaces
Fires have the power on us to cast their beams
And blow their scorching exhalations forth
Against our members; those same distances
Take nothing by those intervals away
From bulk of flames; and to the sight the fire
Is nothing shrunken。 Therefore; since the heat
And the outpoured light of skiey sun
Arrive our senses and caress our limbs;
Form too and bigness of the sun must look
Even here from earth just as they really be;
So that thou canst scarce nothing take or add。
And whether the journeying moon illuminate
The regions round with bastard beams; or throw
From off her proper body her own light;…
Whichever it be; she journeys with a form
Naught larger than the form doth seem to be
Which we with eyes of ours perceive。 For all
The far removed objects of our gaze
Seem through much air confused in their look
Ere minished in their bigness。 Wherefore; moon;
Since she presents bright look and clear…cut form;
May there on high by us on earth be seen
Just as she is with extreme bounds defined;
And just of the size。 And lastly; whatso fires
Of ether thou from earth beholdest; these
Thou mayst consider as possibly of size
The least bit less; or larger by a hair
Than they appear… since whatso fires we view
Here in the lands of earth are seen to change
From time to time their size to less or more
Only the least; when more or less away;
So long as still they bicker clear; and still
Their glow's perceived。
                       Nor need there be for men
Astonishment that yonder sun so small

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