八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > unbeaten tracks in japan >


unbeaten tracks in japan-第4部分

小说: unbeaten tracks in japan 字数: 每页4000字

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〃John Chinaman〃Engaging a ServantFirst Impressions of ItoA
Solemn ContractThe Food Question。

June 7。

I went to Yokohama for a week to visit Dr。 and Mrs。 Hepburn on the
Bluff。  Bishop and Mrs。 Burdon of Hong Kong were also guests; and
it was very pleasant。

One cannot be a day in Yokohama without seeing quite a different
class of orientals from the small; thinly…dressed; and usually
poor…looking Japanese。  Of the 2500 Chinamen who reside in Japan;
over 1100 are in Yokohama; and if they were suddenly removed;
business would come to an abrupt halt。  Here; as everywhere; the
Chinese immigrant is making himself indispensable。  He walks
through the streets with his swinging gait and air of complete
self…complacency; as though he belonged to the ruling race。  He is
tall and big; and his many garments; with a handsome brocaded robe
over all; his satin pantaloons; of which not much is seen; tight at
the ankles; and his high shoes; whose black satin tops are slightly
turned up at the toes; make him look even taller and bigger than he
is。  His head is mostly shaven; but the hair at the back is plaited
with a quantity of black purse twist into a queue which reaches to
his knees; above which; set well back; he wears a stiff; black
satin skull…cap; without which he is never seen。  His face is very
yellow; his long dark eyes and eyebrows slope upwards towards his
temples; he has not the vestige of a beard; and his skin is shiny。
He looks thoroughly 〃well…to…do。〃  He is not unpleasing…looking;
but you feel that as a Celestial he looks down upon you。  If you
ask a question in a merchant's office; or change your gold into
satsu; or take your railroad or steamer ticket; or get change in a
shop; the inevitable Chinaman appears。  In the street he swings
past you with a purpose in his face; as he flies past you in a
kuruma he is bent on business; he is sober and reliable; and is
content to 〃squeeze〃 his employer rather than to rob himhis one
aim in life is money。  For this he is industrious; faithful; self…
denying; and he has his reward。

Several of my kind new acquaintances interested themselves about
the (to me) vital matter of a servant interpreter; and many
Japanese came to 〃see after the place。〃  The speaking of
intelligible English is a sine qua non; and it was wonderful to
find the few words badly pronounced and worse put together; which
were regarded by the candidates as a sufficient qualification。  Can
you speak English?  〃Yes。〃  What wages do you ask?  〃Twelve dollars
a month。〃  This was always said glibly; and in each case sounded
hopeful。  Whom have you lived with?  A foreign name distorted out
of all recognition; as was natural; was then given。  Where have you
travelled?  This question usually had to be translated into
Japanese; and the usual answer was; 〃The Tokaido; the Nakasendo; to
Kiyoto; to Nikko;〃 naming the beaten tracks of countless tourists。
Do you know anything of Northern Japan and the Hokkaido?  〃No;〃
with a blank wondering look。  At this stage in every case Dr。
Hepburn compassionately stepped in as interpreter; for their stock
of English was exhausted。  Three were regarded as promising。  One
was a sprightly youth who came in a well…made European suit of
light…coloured tweed; a laid…down collar; a tie with a diamond (?)
pin; and a white shirt; so stiffly starched; that he could hardly
bend low enough for a bow even of European profundity。  He wore a
gilt watch…chain with a locket; the corner of a very white cambric
pocket…handkerchief dangled from his breast pocket; and he held a
cane and a felt hat in his hand。  He was a Japanese dandy of the
first water。  I looked at him ruefully。  To me starched collars are
to be an unknown luxury for the next three months。  His fine
foreign clothes would enhance prices everywhere in the interior;
and besides that; I should feel a perpetual difficulty in asking
menial services from an exquisite。  I was therefore quite relieved
when his English broke down at the second question。

The second was a most respectable…looking man of thirty…five in a
good Japanese dress。  He was highly recommended; and his first
English words were promising; but he had been cook in the service
of a wealthy English official who travelled with a large retinue;
and sent servants on ahead to prepare the way。  He knew really only
a few words of English; and his horror at finding that there was
〃no master;〃 and that there would be no woman…servant; was so
great; that I hardly know whether he rejected me or I him。

The third; sent by Mr。 Wilkinson; wore a plain Japanese dress; and
had a frank; intelligent face。  Though Dr。 Hepburn spoke with him
in Japanese; he thought that he knew more English than the others;
and that what he knew would come out when he was less agitated。  He
evidently understood what I said; and; though I had a suspicion
that he would turn out to be the 〃master;〃 I thought him so
prepossessing that I nearly engaged him on the spot。  None of the
others merit any remark。

However; when I had nearly made up my mind in his favour; a
creature appeared without any recommendation at all; except that
one of Dr。 Hepburn's servants was acquainted with him。  He is only
eighteen; but this is equivalent to twenty…three or twenty…four
with us; and only 4 feet 10 inches in height; but; though bandy…
legged; is well proportioned and strong…looking。  He has a round
and singularly plain face; good teeth; much elongated eyes; and the
heavy droop of his eyelids almost caricatures the usual Japanese
peculiarity。  He is the most stupid…looking Japanese that I have
seen; but; from a rapid; furtive glance in his eyes now and then; I
think that the stolidity is partly assumed。  He said that he had
lived at the American Legation; that he had been a clerk on the
Osaka railroad; that he had travelled through northern Japan by the
eastern route; and in Yezo with Mr。 Maries; a botanical collector;
that he understood drying plants; that he could cook a little; that
he could write English; that he could walk twenty…five miles a day;
and that he thoroughly understood getting through the interior!
This would…be paragon had no recommendations; and accounted for
this by saying that they had been burned in a recent fire in his
father's house。  Mr。 Maries was not forthcoming; and more than
this; I suspected and disliked the boy。  However; he understood my
English and I his; and; being very anxious to begin my travels; I
engaged him for twelve dollars a month; and soon afterwards he came
back with a contract; in which he declares by all that he holds
most sacred that he will serve me faithfully for the wages agreed
upon; and to this document he affixed his seal and I my name。  The
next day he asked me for a month's wages in advance; which I gave
him; but Dr。 H。 consolingly suggested that I should never see him

Ever since the solemn night when the contract was signed I have
felt under an incubus; and since he appeared here yesterday;
punctual to the appointed hour; I have felt as if I had a veritable
〃old man of the sea〃 upon my shoulders。  He flies up stairs and
along the corridors as noiselessly as a cat; and already knows
where I keep all my things。  Nothing surprises or abashes him; he
bows profoundly to Sir Harry and Lady Parkes when he encounters
them; but is obviously 〃quite at home〃 in a Legation; and only
allowed one of the orderlies to show him how to put on a Mexican
saddle and English bridle out of condescension to my wishes。  He
seems as sharp or 〃smart〃 as can be; and has already arranged for
the first three days of my journey。  His name is Ito; and you will
doubtless hear much more of him; as he will be my good or evil
genius for the next three months。

As no English lady has yet travelled alone through the interior; my
project excites a very friendly interest among my friends; and I
receive much warning and dissuasion; and a little encouragement。
The strongest; because the most intelligent; dissuasion comes from
Dr。 Hepburn; who thinks that I ought not to undertake the journey;
and that I shall never get through to the Tsugaru Strait。  If I
accepted much of the advice given to me; as to taking tinned meats
and soups; claret; and a Japanese maid; I should need a train of at
least six pack…horses!  As to fleas; there is a lamentable
concensus of opinion that they are the curse of Japanese travelling
during the summer; and some people recommend me to sleep in a bag
drawn tightly round the throat; others to sprinkle my bedding
freely with insect powder; others to smear the skin all over with
carbolic oil; and some to make a plentiful use of dried and
powdered flea…bane。  All admit; however; that these are but feeble
palliatives。  Hammocks unfortunately cannot be used in Japanese

The 〃Food Question〃 is said to be the most important one for all
travellers; and it is discussed continually with startling
earnestness; not alone as regards my tour。  However apathetic
people are on other subjects; the mere mention of this one rouses
them into interest。  All have suffered or may suffer; and every one
wishes to impart his own experience or to learn from that of
others。  Foreign ministers; professors; missionaries; merchants
all discuss it with becoming gravity as a question of life and
death; which by many it is supposed to be。  The fact is that;
except at a few hotels in popular resorts which are got up for
foreigners; bread; butter; milk; meat; poultry; coffee; wine; and
beer; are unattainable; that fresh fish is rare; and that unless
one can live on rice; tea; and eggs; with the addition now and then
of some tasteless fresh vegetables; food must be taken; as the
fishy and vegetable abominations known as 〃Japanese food〃 can only
be swallowed and digested by a few; and that after long practice。

Another; but far inferior; difficulty on which much stress is laid
is the practice common among native servants of getting a 〃squeeze〃
out of every money transaction on the road; so that the cost of
travelling is often doubled; and sometimes trebled; according to
the skill and capacity of the servant。  Three gentleme

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