八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > fabre, poet of science >


fabre, poet of science-第14部分

小说: fabre, poet of science 字数: 每页4000字

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curious insect had come to lodge with him; having chosen Fabre's chamber

for its dwelling。 None the less he threw himself eagerly upon all such

scraps of information as happened to come under his notice; witness the

observations which he embodied in a memoir touching the phosphorescence of

certain earth…worms which; abounding in a little courtyard near his

dwelling; were so rare elsewhere that he was never again able to find them。

(6/3。) It was therefore fortunate; if not for himself; at least for his

genius; that he did not become; as he had wished; a professor in a faculty;

there; to be sure; he would have found a theatre worthy of his efforts; in

which he might even have demonstrated; in all its magnificence; his

incomparable gift of teaching; but it is probable too that he would have

been stranded in shoal waters; that in the official atmosphere of a city

his still more marvellous gifts of observation would scarcely have found


It was only by belonging fully to himself that he could fruitfully exercise

his talents。 Necessary to every scholar; to every inquirer; to an open…air

observer like Fabre liberty and leisure were more than usually essential;

failing these he might never have accomplished his mission。 How many lives

are wasted; how many minds expended in sheer loss; in default of this

sufficiency of leisure! How many scholars tied to the soil; how many

physicians absorbed by an exigent practice; who perhaps had somewhat to

say; have succeeded only in devising plans; for ever postponing their

realization to some miraculous tomorrow; which always recedes!

But we must not fall into illusions。 How many might be tempted to imitate

him; hoping to see some unknown talent awaken or expand within them; only

to find themselves incapable of producing anything; and to consume

themselves in an insurmountable and barren ennui! One must be rich in one's

own nature; rich in will and in ability; to live apart and seek new paths

in solitude; and it is not without reason that the majority prefer the

turmoil of cities and the murmur of men to the silence of the country。

The atmosphere of a great capital; for instance; is singularly conducive to

work。 Living constantly within the circle of light shed by the masters;

within reach of the laboratories and the great libraries; we are less

likely to go astray; we are stimulated by the contact of others; we profit

by their advice and experience; and it is easy to borrow ideas if we lack

them。 Then there is the stimulant of self…respect; the sense of rivalry;

the eager desire to advance; to distinguish oneself; to shine; to attract

attention; to become in one's turn an arbiter; an object of wonder and

envy; without which stimulus many would merely have existed; and would

never have become what they are。

On the other hand; a man needs an intrinsic radio…activity; and a real

talent; and the aid; moreover; of exceptional circumstances; if fame is to

consent to come to him and take him by the hand in the depths of some

unknown Maillane; some obscure Sérignan; even; as in the case of Fabre; at

the end only of a long life。

But he; by a kind of fatality inherent in his nature; loved 〃to

circumscribe himself;〃 according to the happy expression of Rousseau; and

he profited; rather than otherwise; by living entirely to himself; for he

had long been; indeed he always was; the man who; at twenty…five; writing

to his brother; had said; in speaking of his native countryside: 

〃For a impassioned botanist; it is a delightful country; in which I could

pass a month; two months; three months; a year even; alone; quite alone;

with no other companion than the crows and the jays which gossip among the

oak…trees; without being weary for a moment; there would be so many

beautiful fungi; orange; rosy; and white; among the mosses; and so many

flowers in the fields。〃 (6/4。)

His work having brought him at last just enough to enable him to give

himself the pleasure of becoming; in his turn; a proprietor; he had

acquired; for a modest sum; this dilapidated dwelling and this deserted

spot of ground; barren land; given over to couch…grass; thistles; and

brambles; a sort of 〃accursed spot; to which no one would have confided

even a pinch of turnip…seed。〃 A piece of water in front of the house

attracted all the frogs in the neighbourhood; the screech…owl mewed from

the tops of the plane…trees; and numerous birds; no longer disturbed by the

presence of man; had domiciled themselves in the lilacs and the cypresses。

A host of insects had seized upon the dwelling; which had long been


He restored the house; and to some extent reduced confusion to order。 In

the uncultivated and pebbly plain where the plough had been long a stranger

he established plants of a thousand varieties; and; the better to hide

himself; he had walls built to shut himself in。

Why was he drawn by preference to this village of Sérignan?for he did not

go thither without making some inquiries as to the possibility of obtaining

shelter elsewhere; and the Carpentras cemetery had tempted him also; but

what had particularly seduced and drawn him thither was the nearness of the

mountain with its Mediterranean flora; so rich that it recalled the

Corsican maquis; full of beautiful fungi and varied insects; where; under

the flat stones exposed to the burning sun; the centipede burrowed and the

scorpion slept; where a special fauna aboundedof curious dung…beetles;

scarabaei; the Copris; the Minotaur; etc。which only a little farther

north grow rapidly scarcer and then altogether disappear。

He had thus at last arrived in port; he had found his 〃Eden。〃

He had realized; 〃after forty years of desperate struggles;〃 the dearest;

the most ardent; the longest cherished of all his desires。 He could observe

at leisure 〃every day; every hour;〃 his beloved insects; 〃under the blue

sky; to the music of the cigales。〃 He had only to open his eyes and to see;

to lend an ear and hear; to enjoy the great blessing of leisure to his

heart's content。

Doffing the professor's frock…coat for the peasant's blouse; planting a

root of sweet basil in his 〃topper;〃 and finally kicking it to pieces; he

snapped his fingers at his past life。

Liberated at last; far from all that could irritate or disturb him or make

him feel dependent; satisfied with his modest earnings; reassured by the

ever…increasing popularity of his little books; he had obtained entire

possession of his own body and mind; and could give himself without reserve

to his favourite subjects。

So; with Nature and her inexhaustible book before him; he truly commenced a

new life。

But would this life have been possible without the support and comfort of

those intimate feelings which are at the root of human nature? Man is

seldom the master of these feelings; and they; with reason or despite

reason; force themselves on his notice as the question of questions。

This delicate problem Fabre had to resolve after suffering a fresh grief。

Hardly had he commenced to enjoy the benefits of this profound peace; when

he lost his wife。 At this moment his children were already grown up; some

were married and some ready to leave him; and he could not hope much longer

to keep his old father; the ex…café…keeper of Pierrelatte; who had come to

rejoin him; and who might be seen; even in his extreme old age; going forth

in all weathers and dragging his aged limbs along all the roads of

Sérignan。 (6/5。) The son; moreover; had inherited from his father his

profound inaptitude for the practical business of life; and was equally

incapable of managing his interests and the economics of the house。 This is

why; after two years of widowerhood; having already passed his sixtieth

year; although still physically quite youthful; he remarried。 Careless of

opinion; obeying only the dictates of his own heart and mind; and following

also the intuitions of unerring instinct; which was superior to the

understanding of those who thought it their duty to oppose him; he married;

as Boaz married Ruth; a young woman; industrious; full of freshness and

life; already completely devoted to his service; and admirably fitted to

satisfy that craving for order; peace; quiet; and moral tranquillity; which

to him were above all things indispensable。

His new companion; moreover; was in all things faithful to her mission; and

it was thanks to the benefits of this union; as the future was to show;

that Fabre was in a position to pursue his long…delayed inquiries。

Three children; a son and two daughters; were born in swift succession; and

reconstituted 〃the family;〃 which was very soon increased by the youngest

of his daughters by his first wife; who had not married; this was that

Agla?; who so often helped her father with her childlike attentions; and;

〃her cheek blooming with animation;〃 collaborated in some of his most

famous observations (6/6。); an unobtrusive figure; a soul full of devotion

and resignation; heroic and tender。 Having in vain ventured into the world;

she had returned to the beloved roof at Sérignan; unable to part from the

father she so admired and adored。

Later; when the shadow of age grew denser and heavier; the young wife and

the younger children of the famous poet…entomologist took part in his

labours also; they gave him their material assistance; their hands; their

eyes; their hearing; their feet; he in the midst of them was the

conceiving; reasoning; interpreting; and directing brain。

》From this time forward the biography of Fabre becomes simplified; and

remains a statement of his inner life。 For thirty years he never emerged

from his horizon of mountains and his garden of shingle; he lived wholly

absorbed in domestic affections and the tasks of a naturalist。 None the

less; he still exercised his vocation as teacher; for neither pure science

nor poetry was sufficie

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