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the ways of men-第38部分

小说: the ways of men 字数: 每页4000字

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e cities of France have written their  affection for liberty; love…letters from Jacques to his  mistress。  Michelet is happy。  His long labor is drawing to an  end。  The great epic which he has followed as it developed  through the centuries is complete。  His hero stands hand in  hand before the altar with the spouse of his choice; for whose  smile he has toiled and struggled。  The poet…historian sees  again in the FETE DE LA FEDERATION the radiant face of his  vision; the true face of France; LA DULCE。

Through all the lyricism of this master's work one feels that  he has 〃lived〃 history as he wrote it; following his subject  from its obscure genesis to a radiant apotheosis。  The  faithful companion of Michelet's age has borne witness to this  power which he possessed of projecting himself into another  age and living with his subject。  She repeats to those who  know her how he trembled in passion and burned with patriotic  emotion in transcribing the crucial pages of his country's  history; rejoicing in her successes and depressed by her  faults; like the classic historian who refused with horror to  tell the story of his compatriots' defeat at Cannae; saying;  〃I could not survive the recital。〃

〃Do you remember;〃 a friend once asked Madame Michelet; 〃how;  when your husband was writing his chapters on the Reign of  Terror; he ended by falling ill?〃

〃Ah; yes!〃 she replied。  〃That was the week he executed  Danton。  We were living in the country near Nantes。  The  ground was covered with snow。  I can see him now; hurrying to  and fro under the bare trees; gesticulating and crying as he  walked; ‘How can I judge them; those great men?  How can I  judge them?'  It was in this way that he threw his ‘thousand  souls' into the past and lived in sympathy with all men; an  apostle of universal love。  After one of these fecund hours he  would drop into his chair and murmur; ‘I am crushed by this  work。  I have been writing with my blood!'〃

Alas; his aged eyes were destined to read sadder pages than he  had ever written; to see years as tragic as the 〃Terror。〃  He  lived to hear the recital of (having refused to witness) his  country's humiliation; and fell one April morning; in his  retirement near Pisa; unconscious under the double shock of  invasion and civil war。  Though he recovered later; his  horizon remained dark。  The patriot suffered to see party  spirit and warring factions rending the nation he had so often  called the pilot of humanity's bark; which seemed now to be  going straight on the rocks。  〃FINIS GALLIAE;〃 murmured the  historian; who to the end lived and died with his native land。

Thousands yearly mount the broad steps of the Pantheon to lay  their wreaths upon his tomb; and thousands more in every  Gallic schoolroom are daily learning; in the pages of his  history; to love FRANCE LA DULCE。


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