八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > part5 >



小说: part5 字数: 每页4000字

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and declare themselves content to be shut up with them

Our scheme for removing those that were sound from those that

were sick was only in such houses as were infected; and confining the

sick was no confinement; those that could not stir would not complain

while they were in their senses and while they had the power of

judging。  Indeed; when they came to be delirious and light…headed;

then they would cry out of the cruelty of being confined; but for the

removal of those that were well; we thought it highly reasonable and

just; for their own sakes; they should be removed from the sick; and

that for other people's safety they should keep retired for a while; to

see that they were sound; and might not infect others; and we thought

twenty or thirty days enough for this。

Now; certainly; if houses had been provided on purpose for those

that were sound to perform this demi…quarantine in; they would have

much less reason to think themselves injured in such a restraint than

in being confined with infected people in the houses where they lived。

It is here; however; to be observed that after the funerals became so

many that people could not toll the bell; mourn or weep; or wear black

for one another; as they did before; no; nor so much as make coffins

for those that died; so after a while the fury of the infection appeared

to be so increased that; in short; they shut up no houses at all。  It

seemed enough that all the remedies of that kind had been used till

they were found fruitless; and that the plague spread itself with an

irresistible fury; so that as the fire the succeeding year spread itself;

and burned with such violence that the citizens; in despair; gave over

their endeavours to extinguish it; so in the plague it came at last to

such violence that the people sat still looking at one another; and

seemed quite abandoned to despair; whole streets seemed to be

desolated; and not to be shut up only; but to be emptied of their

inhabitants; doors were left open; windows stood shattering with the

wind in empty houses for want of people to shut them。  In a word;

people began to give up themselves to their fears and to think that all

regulations and methods were in vain; and that there was nothing to be

hoped for but an universal desolation; and it was even in the height of

this general despair that it Pleased God to stay His hand; and to

slacken the fury of the contagion in such a manner as was even

surprising; like its beginning; and demonstrated it to be His own

particular hand; and that above; if not without the agency of means; as

I shall take notice of in its proper place。

But I must still speak of the plague as in its height; raging even to

desolation; and the people under the most dreadful consternation;

even; as I have said; to despair。  It is hardly credible to what excess

the passions of men carried them in this extremity of the distemper;

and this part; I think; was as moving as the rest。  What could affect a

man in his full power of reflection; and what could make deeper

impressions on the soul; than to see a man almost naked; and got out

of his house; or perhaps out of his bed; into the street; come out of

Harrow Alley; a populous conjunction or collection of alleys; courts;

and passages in the Butcher Row in Whitechappel; … I say; what could

be more affecting than to see this poor man come out into the open

street; run dancing and singing and making a thousand antic gestures;

with five or six women and children running after him; crying and

calling upon him for the Lord's sake to come back; and entreating the

help of others to bring him back; but all in vain; nobody daring to lay

a hand upon him or to come near him?

This was a most grievous and afflicting thing to me; who saw it all

from my own windows; for all this while the poor afflicted man was;

as I observed it; even then in the utmost agony of pain; having (as they

said) two swellings upon him which could not be brought to break or

to suppurate; but; by laying strong caustics on them; the surgeons had;

it seems; hopes to break them … which caustics were then upon him;

burning his flesh as with a hot iron。  I cannot say what became of this

poor man; but I think he continued roving about in that manner till he

fell down and died。

No wonder the aspect of the city itself was frightful。  The usual

concourse of people in the streets; and which used to be supplied from

our end of the town; was abated。  The Exchange was not kept shut;

indeed; but it was no more frequented。  The fires were lost; they had

been almost extinguished for some days by a very smart and hasty

rain。  But that was not all; some of the physicians insisted that they

were not only no benefit; but injurious to the health of people。  This

they made a loud clamour about; and complained to the Lord Mayor

about it。  On the other hand; others of the same faculty; and eminent

too; opposed them; and gave their reasons why the fires were; and

must be; useful to assuage the violence of the distemper。  I cannot

give a full account of their arguments on both sides; only this I

remember; that they cavilled very much with one another。  Some were

for fires; but that they must be made of wood and not coal; and of

particular sorts of wood too; such as fir in particular; or cedar; because

of the strong effluvia of turpentine; others were for coal and not wood;

because of the sulphur and bitumen; and others were for neither one

or other。  Upon the whole; the Lord Mayor ordered no more fires; and

especially on this account; namely; that the plague was so fierce that

they saw evidently it defied all means; and rather seemed to increase

than decrease upon any application to check and abate it; and yet this

amazement of the magistrates proceeded rather from want of being

able to apply any means successfully than from any unwillingness

either to expose themselves or undertake the care and weight of

business; for; to do them justice; they neither spared their pains nor

their persons。  But nothing answered; the infection raged; and the

people were now frighted and terrified to the last degree: so that; as I

may say; they gave themselves up; and; as I mentioned above;

abandoned themselves to their despair。

But let me observe here that; when I say the people abandoned

themselves to despair; I do not mean to what men call a religious

despair; or a despair of their eternal state; but I mean a despair of their

being able to escape the infection or to outlive the plague。 which they

saw was so raging and so irresistible in its force that indeed few

people that were touched with it in its height; about August and

September; escaped; and; which is very particular; contrary to its

ordinary operation in June and July; and the beginning of August;

when; as I have observed; many were infected; and continued so many

days; and then went off after having had the poison in their blood a

long time; but now; on the contrary; most of the people who were

taken during the two last weeks in August and in the three first weeks

in September; generally died in two or three days at furthest; and

many the very same day they were taken; whether the dog…days; or; as

our astrologers pretended to express themselves; the influence of the

dog…star; had that malignant effect; or all those who had the seeds of

infection before in them brought it up to a maturity at that time

altogether; I know not; but this was the time when it was reported that

above 3000 people died in one night; and they that would have us

believe they more critically observed it pretend to say that they all

died within the space of two hours; viz。; between the hours of one and

three in the morning。

As to the suddenness of people's dying at this time; more than

before; there were innumerable instances of it; and I could name

several in my neighbourhood。  One family without the Bars; and not

far from me; were all seemingly well on the Monday; being ten in

family。  That evening one maid and one apprentice were taken ill and

died the next morning … when the other apprentice and two children

were touched; whereof one died the same evening; and the other two

on Wednesday。  In a word; by Saturday at noon the master; mistress;

four children; and four servants were all gone; and the house left

entirely empty; except an ancient woman who came in to take charge

of the goods for the master of the family's brother; who lived not far

off; and who had not been sick。

Many houses were then left desolate; all the people being carried

away dead; and especially in an alley farther on the same side beyond

the Bars; going in at the sign of Moses and Aaron; there were several

houses together which; they said; had not one person left alive in

them; and some that died last in several of those houses were left a

little too long before they were fetched out to be buried; the reason of

which was not; as some have written very untruly; that the living were

not sufficient to bury the dead; but that the mortality was so great in

the yard or alley that there was nobody left to give notice to the

buriers or sextons that there were any dead bodies there to be buried。

It was said; how true I know not; that some of those bodies were so

much corrupted and so rotten that it was with difficulty they were

carried; and as the carts could not come any nearer than to the Alley

Gate in the High Street; it was so much the more difficult to bring

them along; but I am not certain how many bodies were then left。  I

am sure that ordinarily it was not so。

As I have mentioned how the people were brought into a condition

to despair of life and abandon themselves; so this very thing had a

strange effect among us for three or four weeks; that is; it made them

bold and venturous: they were no more shy of one another; or

restrained within doors; but went anywhere and everywhere; and

began t

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