八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tw.thestoneoffarewell >



小说: tw.thestoneoffarewell 字数: 每页4000字

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 sections of the marriage ceremony…he had not; of course; been able to bring a Book of the Aedon from Naglimund; and had never performed a marriage before。 Of the principals; he was dearly the most nervous。 Young Hyara; sensing a kindred spirit; walked so close to him that she was almost between his feet; adding to the priest's disfiture。
  It was not surprising to see a cheerful and curious crowd of Thrithings…folk assembled along the edges of the bull run…a crowd not greatly different in mood; Deornoth reflected; than that which had e to watch Josua be cut into slivers。 It was a little disconcerting to see among them the mother and sisters of he who had failed to slice Josua up; the late Utvart。 This group of women; dressed identically in dresses and scarves of dark mourning blue; stared balefully at the emerging stone…dwellers; their mouths pulled tight in uniform expressions of ill…regard。
  If the attendance of Utvart's family was surprising; the appearance of Fikolmij on the scene was even more so。 The March…thane; who had taken his foul temper and virtually gone into hiding after Josua's victory; now came swaggering through the camp to the bull run; trailed by a handful of scarred randwarders。 Although the gray dawn was not an hour passed; Fikolmy's red…eyed stare had the look of drunkenness。
  〃By the Grass…Thunderer!〃 he bellowed; 〃surely you did not think I would let my daughter and her horse…rich husband be wedded without ing to share their happiness!?〃 He slapped his broad belly and guf… fawed。 〃Go on! Go on! We are waiting to see how marriages are done in the mazes of the stone…dwellers!〃
  At the sound of her father's roar; little Hyara took a step backward and looked wildly around; preparing to flee。 Deornoth reached out and gently took her elbow; holding it loosely until she gathered courage to move forward and stand at Vorzheva's side once more。 Hopelessly rattled; Father Strangyeard started the Mansa Connoyis…the Prayer of Joining… several times without success; each time losing his way after a few lines and stuttering to a halt like a millwheel whose ox was balking in the traces。 Each failed attempt drew more laughter from Fikolmij and his randwarders。 The archive…master's already pink face grew redder and redder。 At last; Josua leaned forward and whispered in his ear。
  〃You are a Scrollbearer now; Father; as was your friend Jarnauga。〃 He spoke so quietly that none but Strangyeard could hear。 〃Surely a simple mansa is child's play for you; whatever the distractions。〃
  〃One…eye speaks the marriage for One…hand!〃 Fikolmij shouted。 Strangyeard tugged self…consciously at his patch; then grimly nodded his head。 〃You。。。 you are right。 Prince Josua。 Forgive me。 Let us continue。〃
  Speaking each word carefully; Strangyeard worked his way through the long ritual as though wading in high and treacherous waters。 The March…thane and his jibing cronies shouted louder and louder; but the priest would no longer be deterred。 At last; the crowd of watching Thrithings…folk became restive; tiring of Fikolmij's rudeness。 Every time another graceless jest echoed across the bull run; the murmur grew louder。
  As Strangyeard neared the end of the prayer; Hotvig appeared on horseback out of the west。 He was windblown and disheveled; as though he had ridden fast in his return to the wagon…city。
  The rider sat dazedly surveying the scene for a moment; then swung down from the saddle and trotted to his thane's side。 He spoke rapidly; then pointed back in the direction from which he had e。 Fikolmij nodded; grinning hugely; then turned and said something to the other randwarders which set them rocking with laughter。 A look of confusion came over Hotvig's face…confusion which soon turned to anger。 As Fikolmij and the others continued to chortle over the news he had brought; the young Thrithings…man strode to the fence around the bull run and waved for Isorn's attention。 Hotvig spoke into Isorn's ear; the Rimmerman's eyes widened。 When Father Strangyeard paused in his recital a few moments and bent to look for the bowl of water he had filled earlier and put by for this moment in the prayer; Isgrimnur's son pushed away from the fence and marched directly to Prince Josua's side。
  〃Forgive me; Josua;〃 Isorn hissed; 〃but Hotvig says there are three score armored riders ing down on the wagon camp。 They are less than a league away and riding hard。 The leader's coat is a falcon in scarlet and silver。〃
  Startled; Josua looked up。 〃Fengbald! What is that whoreson doing here?!〃
  〃Fengbald?〃 Deornoth echoed; astounded。 It seemed a name from another age。 〃Fengbald?〃
  A rustle of wonder went through the crowd at this odd turn to the ceremony。
  〃Josua;〃 Vorzheva said tightly; 〃how can you talk of these things now?〃
  〃I am truly sorry; my lady; but we have little choice。〃 He turned to Strangyeard; who stood staring; his increasingly confident rhythms again disrupted。 〃Go on to the final part;〃 Josua directed him。
  〃Wha。。。 what?〃
  〃The final part; man。 e; then; hurry to it! I won't have it said I left my lady unmarried against my promise; but if we stand much longer she will be a widow before the mansa is over。〃 He gave the priest a gentle shove。 〃The end; Strangyeard!〃
  The archivist's one eye bulged。 〃May the love of the Ransomer; His mother Elysia; and His Father the All…Highest bless this joining。 May。。。 may your lives be long and your love be longer still。 You are married。〃 He waved his hands anxiously。 〃That's。。。 that's it。 You are married; just as it says。〃
  Josua leaned and kissed the astonished Vorzheva; then grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the paddock gate while Isorn hurried the rest of their party after them。
  〃Are you so anxious for your wedding night; Josua?〃 Fikolmij smirked。 He and his randwarders pushed toward the gate as the crowd shouted questions at their thane。 〃You seem to be in a hurry to leave。〃
  〃And you know why;〃 Deornoch shouted at him; his palm itching on the hilt of his sword。 〃You knew they were ing; didn't you? You treacherous dog!〃
  〃Watch your tongue; little man;〃 Fikolmij growled。 〃I only said I would not hinder your going。 I sent word to the king's men long ago…in the hour when you first crossed over into my Thrithings。〃 He laughed heartily。 〃So I broke no promises。 But if you wish to fight my men and me before the Erkynlanders get here; e ahead。 Otherwise; you had better get on your new ponies and ride away。〃
  Vorzheva pulled away from Josua as they passed through the gate and into the crush of Thrithings…folk。 She reached her father in a few steps and slapped him stingingly across the face。
  〃You killed my mother;〃 she shouted; 〃but someday I will kill you!〃 Before he could grab her; she sprang back to Josua's side。 Naidel whisked out of the prince's sheath and swayed menacingly; a flickering tongue of light beneath the dim sky。 Fikolmij stared at Josua; eyes bulging; face crimson with rage。 With a visible effort; the March…thane subdued his anger and contemptuously turned his back。
  〃Go; ride for your lives;〃 he growled。 〃I do not break my word over a woman's feeble blows。〃
  Hotvig followed as they hustled toward the paddock where the horses were waiting。 〃The thane was right about one thing; Josua; Vorzheva;〃 he called。 〃You must indeed ride for your lives。 You have an hour's start and your horses are rested; so all is not lost。 Some of the others will help me slow them down。〃
  Deornoth stared。 〃You'll。。。 ? But Fikolmy wants us caught!〃
  Hotvig shook his head roughly。 〃Not all favor the March…thane。 Where do you go?〃
  Josua thought for a moment。 〃Please do not let our enemies hear of this; Hotvig。〃 He lowered his voice a little。 〃We go north of where the rivers meet; to a place called the Stone of Farewell。〃
  The Thrithings…man looked at him strangely。 〃I have heard something of it;〃 he said。 〃Go swiftly; then。 It is possible we will see each other again。〃 Hotvig turned and gave Vorzheva a long look; then bowed his head briefly。 〃Make these people know that not all Thrithings…folk are like your father。〃 Hotvig turned and walked away。
  〃No more time to talk!〃 Josua cried。 〃To horse!〃
  The outermost grazing lands of the wagon…camp were disappearing behind them。 Despite the injured and inexperienced riders; the long strides of Vinyafod and his fellows ate up the ground。 The grass flew away beneath their hooves。
  〃This is being sickeningly familiar;〃 Josua shouted across to Deornoth and Isorn。
  〃Running! Pursued by superior forces!〃 Josua waved his arm。 〃I am tired of showing my backside; whether to my brother or the Storm King's minions!〃
  Deornoth looked up at the clotted sky; then over his shoulder。 Only a few lone cows dotted the rearward horizon: there was no sign of pursuing riders。 〃We must find a place to make our stronghold; Prince Josua!〃 he called。
  〃That's right!〃 Isorn shouted。 〃People will e flocking to your banner then; you'll see!〃
  〃And how will they find us?〃 Josua called back with a mocking smile。 〃These people; how will they find us?〃
  〃They will; somehow。〃 Isorn shouted; 〃…everybody else does!〃 He whooped with laughter。 The prince and Deornoth joined in。 Vorzheva and the others stared at them as if they were mad。
  〃Ride on!〃 Josua cried。 〃I am married and an outlaw!〃 
  The sun made no clear appearance all day。 When the dim light at last began to wane and the pall of approaching evening spread across the stormy sky; the prince's party chose a spot and made camp。 They had ridden due north from the wagon…city until they reached the Ymstrecca in early afternoon; crossing the river at a muddy ford whose banks were pockmarked with hoofprints。 Josua had decided that traveling eastward would be safer on the far side of the Ymstrecca; where they would be within an hour's swift ride to the forest。 If Fengbald continued to pursue them; they would at least have a chance to spur toward the dark trees and perhaps evade the superior force in Aldheorte's tangled depths。 Despite this caution; there had been no sign of the High King's horsemen all afternoon。 The night's watches also passed uneventfully。 After breaking their fast at sunrise on dried

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