八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tw.thestoneoffarewell >



小说: tw.thestoneoffarewell 字数: 每页4000字

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eems almost to have a spirit of its own 。 。 〃
  Well; if Thorn wanted to leave this God…cursed mountain; it would have to go down with them。
  They extinguished the fire and went silently out past the door…flap。 The chill night air made Simon's head throb。 He stopped in the doorway。
  〃Haestan;〃 he whispered; 〃you must promise me something。〃
  〃What's that; lad?〃
  〃I don't feel very。。。 strong。 It's going to be a long walk to wherever we're going。 In the snow; too。 So if anything happens to me。。。〃 he hesitated for a moment; 〃if anything happens to me; please bury me someplace warm。〃 He shivered。 〃I'm tired of being cold。〃
  For a moment Simon had the embarrassing idea that Haestan might cry。 The guardsman's bearded face screwed up in a strange grimace as he leaned in to look closely at Simon。 A moment later he grinned; although the smile seemed a bit forced; and wrapped one of his bearlike arms around Simon's quaking shoulders。 〃Here now; lad; no way t'talk;〃 he whispered。 〃It'll be long march; an' cold; too; that's sure…but not as bad as y'think。 We'll all make it through。〃 Haestan snuck a look at Sisqinanamook; who was staring impatiently at them from the porch outside the cavern。 〃Jiriki left us horses;〃 he hissed into Simon's ear; 〃at mountain…bottom; stabled in cave。 Told me where。 So dunna fear; lad; dunna fear。 If we but knew where 'tis we go…why; we'd be halfway there!〃
  They pushed out onto the stone track; squinting their eyes against a fierce wind that scraped the face of Mintahoq like a razor。 The mists had blown away。 A cat's…eye sliver of yellow moon glared down on the mountain and shadow…blanketed valley。 Staggering under their heavy loads; they turned to follow the one small shadow that was Sisqinanamook。
  It was a long; silent trek around the edge of Mintahoq; stumbling through the buffeting wind。 After a few hundred paces Simon already felt his steps slowing。 How would he ever climb all the way down the mountain? And why couldn't he shake off this cursed weakness?
  At last the troll maiden gestured them to a halt; then directed them into a crevice; off the pathway and back into the shadows。 It was a tight squeeze because of their bulky packs; but with the help of Sisqinanamook's small hands they managed to slide in。 A moment later she was gone。 They stood; pinioned; and watched their breath fill the mouth of the crevice; glittering in the moonlight。
  〃What d'ye think she's about?〃 Haestan whispered at last。
  〃I don't know。〃 Simon was happy just to lean against the stone。 Out of the wind; he suddenly felt flushed and dizzy。 The White Arrow given to him by Jiriki was digging at his spine through the heavy cloth of his pack。
  〃We be coney…catched; an' no mistake 。。。〃 Haestan began; but the sound of voices on the path silenced him。 As the voices grew louder; Simon caught his breath and held it。
  A triumvirate of trolls stumped down the trail past the crevice; dragging the butts of their sharp spears carelessly along the stone; talking in their low; grumbling tongue。 All three carried shields of stretched hide。 One had a ram's horn dangling from his belt; Simon had no doubt that a call from that instrument would bring well…armed trolls tumbling out of the caves all around like ants from a shaken nest。
  The horn…bearer said something and the group paused just before the hiding spot。 Simon struggled to hold his breath and felt his head whirl。 A moment later the trolls burst into a fizz of quiet laughter as the story was pleted; then continued their march back around the face of the mountain。 In a few moments their quiet chatter had dwindled away。
  Simon and Haestan waited a long while before peering out of the opening in the rock。 The moon…painted path stretched on cither side; untenanted。 Haestan wriggled out of the narrow entrance; then helped Simon to emerge。
  The moon had slipped past the mouth of the pit; plunging the prisoners back into near…plete darkness。 Sludig was breathing quietly but not sleeping。 Binabik lay on his back; short legs outstretched; staring up at the wheeling stars as the wind gusted noisily across the opening of their prison。
  A head appeared at the rim of the pit。 A moment later; a coil of rope hissed down from above to smack onto the stone。 Binabik stiffened but did not stir; staring intently at the shadowy silhouette above。
  〃What?〃 Sludig growled in the darkness。 〃Do they not even wait until dawn in this barbaric place? Must they kill us at midnight to hide their deed from the sun? Still God will know。〃 He reached out and gave the rope a tug。 〃Why should we climb? Let us sit here。 Maybe they will send a few guards down to get us。〃 The Rimmersman chuckled unpleasantly。 〃Then I will break some necks。 At the least; they will have to spear us in our hole like bears。〃
  〃Qinkipa's Eyes!〃 a voice hissed in the troll language。 Binabik sat
  upright。 〃Grab the rope; you fool!〃
  〃Sisqi?〃 Binabik gasped。 〃What are you doing?〃
  〃Something I will never forgive myself for…as I also would not forgive myself if I left it undone。 Now be silent and climb!〃
  Binabik pulled gingerly at the rope。 〃But how can you hold it? There is nothing to tie it to and the edge is slippery。〃
  〃Who are you talking to?〃 Sludig asked; disconcerted by the Qanuc speech。
  〃I have brought allies!' Sisqmanamook called softly。 〃Climb! The guards will return when Sedda touches on Sikkihoq's peak!〃
  Binabik; after explaining swiftly; sent Sludig up the line。 The Rimmersman; weakened by imprisonment; made his slow way to the top and disappeared over the rim into darkness; but Binabik did not follow。
  Sisqi appeared once more at the rim。 〃Hurry; before I regret my stupidity! Climb!〃
  〃I cannot。 I will not run from the justice of my people。〃 Binabik sat down。
  〃Are you mad? What do you mean? The guards will be back very soon!〃 Sisqi could not keep the fear from her voice。 〃You will get your lowlander friends killed with this foolish trick。〃
  〃No; Sisqi; take them。 Help them get away。 You will have my gratitude。 You already do。〃
  She bounced up and down; shiveringly anxious。 〃Ah; Binahik; you are a curse to me! First you humiliate me before our people; now you talk madness from the bottom of a hole! e out! e out!〃
  〃I will not break another oath。〃
  Sisqinanamook stared up at the moon。 〃Qinkipa Snow Maiden save me。 Binbinaqegabenik; why are you so stubborn! Would you die to prove that you are right!?〃
  Astonishingly Binabik began to laugh。 〃Would you save my life just to prove me wrong?〃
  Two more heads appeared at the edge of the hole。 〃Damnation; troll;〃 Sludig growled; 〃why do you wait? Are you hurt?〃 The Rimmersman dropped to his knees as though to scramble back down the rope。
  〃No!〃 Binabik cried in the Westerling tongue。 〃Do not be waiting for me。 Sisqinanamook can take you to a place of safeness where you can
  begin your trip down…mountain。 You can be beyond the Yiqanuc boundaries by sunrise。〃
  〃What is keeping you here?〃 Sludig asked; amazed。
  〃I am condemned by my people;〃 Binabik said。 〃I broke my oath。 I will not break it for a second time。〃
  Sludig muttered in confusion and anger。
  The dark figure beside him leaned out。 〃Binabik;〃 he said。 〃It's me; Simon。 We have to go。 We have to find the Stone of Farewell。 Geloe said so。 We have to take Thorn there。〃
  The troll laughed again; but hollowly。 〃And without me; no going; no Stone of Farewell?〃
  〃Yes!〃 Simon's desperation was clear。 Time was running short。 〃We don't know where it is! Geloe said you must take us there! Naglimund has fallen … We may be Josua's only hope…and your people's only hope!〃
  Binabik sat in silence at the bottom of the pit; thinking。 At last he reached out to grasp the dangling rope and began to make his way up the sheer wall。 When he reached the top; he stumbled over into Simon's fierce embrace。 Sludig thumped the little man on the shoulder; a radely blow that nearly toppled Binabik back into the pit。 Haestan stood by; breath steaming in his beard; thick hands now hurriedly coiling the rope up from below。
  Binabik pulled away from Simon。 〃You are not looking very well; friend。 Your wounds are troubling you。〃 He sighed。 〃Ah; this is cruel。 I cannot be leaving you to the mercies of my folk; but I have no wishes to break another oath。 I do not know what I should do。〃 He turned toward the fourth figure。 〃So;〃 he said in troll speech; 〃you have rescued me…or at least my panions。 Why have you changed your mind?〃
  Sisqinanamook eyed him; her arms wrapped tightly around herself。 〃I am not certain I have;〃 she replied。 〃I heard what this strange one with the while streak said;〃 she indicated Simon; watching in bewildered silence。 〃It had the ring of truth…that is; I believed there truly was something you thought more important even than our pledge。〃 She glowered。 〃I am not a lovesick fool who will forgive you anything; but neither am 1 a vengeful demon。 You are free。 Now go。〃
  Binabik moved uneasily。 〃This thing that kept me from you;〃 he said; 〃it is not only important to me; but to everybody。 A terrible danger is ing。 There is only slim hope of resistance; but even that hope must be nurtured。〃 He lowered his eyes for a moment; then raised them and boldly met her gaze。 〃My love for you is as strong as the mountain's rocky bones。 It has been so since I first saw you on your Walk of Womanhood; lovely and graceful as a snow otter beneath the stars of Chugik Mountain。 But even for that love I could not stand by and see the whole world blighted by unending black winter。〃 He took her jacketed arm。 〃Now tell me this: what will you do; Sisqi? You sent the guards away; then the prisoners escaped。 You might just as well mark your name…rune in the snow。〃
  〃That will be between me and my father and mother;〃 she said angrily; pulling free of his grasp。 〃I have done what you wanted。 You are free。 Why do you waste that jreedom trying to convince me of your innocence? Why do you throw Chugik up to me? Go!〃
  Sludig did not speak the language; but he understood Sisqi's gestures。 〃If she wants us to leave; Binabik; then she speaks rightly! Aedon! We must be swift。〃
  Binabik waved a hand。 〃Go; I

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