八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tw.thestoneoffarewell >



小说: tw.thestoneoffarewell 字数: 每页4000字

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  Simon thought back on Fengbald; Elias' ally。 He had taken a troop of armored men and burned down a district of his own earldom; slaughtering with a free hand because the guild of weavers had flouted his will。 It made Simon feet a little sick to remember how he had admired Fengbald and his handsome armor。 Bullies; that was the proper name for the Earl of Falshire and his like…Pryrates; too; although the red priest was a bully of a subtler and more frightening sort。 Simon sensed that Pryrates did not so much revel in his ability to crush those who opposed him; as Duke Fengbald and others like him did; rather; the priest used his strength with a kind of thoughtless cruelty; heeding no obstacles between himself and his unknown goals。 But whichever was true; it was bullying all the same。
  On more than one occasion the memory of the hairless priest was enough to bring Simon back up from the ground; swinging fiercely。 Sludig would back off; eyes narrowed in concentration; until he could control Simon's fury in a way that would force the youth back into the lesson once more。 The thought of Pryrates reminded Simon of why he must learn to fight…not that sword skill would be of use against the alchemist; but it might keep him alive long enough to get at Pryrates once more。 The priest had many crimes to answer for; but the death of Doctor Morgenes and Simon's banishment from his own home were reasons enough to keep Pryrates' face before Simon's eyes; even as he crossed staves with Sludig in the snows of the White Waste。
  Shortly after the dawning of the fourth day since they had left Blue Mud Lake; Simon awakened shivering beneath the flimsy shelter of lashed together branches in which the foursome had spent the night。 Qantaqa; who had been lying across his legs; had gone out to rejoin Binabik。 The loss of her furry warmth was enough to bring Simon out into the crystalline morning light; teeth chattering as he brushed pine needles from his hair。
  Sludig was nowhere in sight; but Binabik sat on a snowy stone beside the remains of the previous night's fire; staring into the eastern sky as though contemplating the direct light of the sun。 Simon turned to follow the line of Binabik's gaze; but could see nothing but the pale sun itself crawling up past the last peaks of the Trollfells。
  Qantaqa; lying at the troll's feet; raised her head briefly as Simon approached crunchingly through the snow; then lay her shaggy head back down on her paws once more。
  〃Binabik? Are you well?〃 Simon asked。
  The troll seemed not to hear him for a moment; then turned slowly; a slight smile creasing his face。 〃A good morning to you; Simon…friend;〃 he said。 〃I am feeling pletely well。〃
  〃Oh。 I just 。 。 。 you were staring。〃
  〃Look。〃 Binabik extended a stubby finger from the sleeve of his jacket; pointing into the east。
  Simon turned to look once more; shading his eyes。 〃I don't see anything。〃
  〃Be looking more closely。 Look to the last peak; standing on your right hand。 There。〃 He indicated an icy slope; thrown into shadow by the sun behind it。
  Simon stared for some time; unwilling to admit failure。 A moment before he gave up in despair; he at last saw something: dark lines running beneath the glassy face of the mountain like facets in a gemstone。 He squinted; trying to make out the details。
  〃Do you mean those shadows?〃 he asked at last。 Binabik nodded; a rape expression on his face。 〃Well;〃 Simon demanded; 〃what are they?〃
  〃More than shadows;〃 Binabik said quietly。 〃What you are there seeing are the towers of lost Tumet'ai。〃
  〃Towers inside the mountain? And what's 'Tooma…tie'?〃
  Binabik frowned mockingly。 〃Simon。 You have been hearing its name several times。 What kind of student did Doctor Morgenes take on? Are you remembering when I spoke with Jiriki of the 'Ua'kiza tumet'ai nei…R'i'ams'?'
  〃Sort of;〃 Simon said unfortably。 〃What is it?〃
  〃The song of the fall of the city of Tumet'ai; one of the great Nine Cities of the Sithi。 That song is telling the tale of Tumet'ai's abandon… ment。 Those shadows you see are its towers; imprisoned in many thou… sand years of ice。〃
  〃Truly?〃 Simon stared at the dark vertical blurs that ran like stains beneath the milky ice。 He tried to see them as towers; but could not。 〃Why did they abandon it?〃 he asked。
  Binabik ran his hand along the fur of Qantaqa's back。 〃A number of reasons there are; Simon。 If you like; I will tell you part of its story later; when we are riding。 It will be a help for passing the time。〃
  〃Why did they build their city on an icy mountain in the first place?〃 Simon asked。 〃That seems stupid。 〃
  Binabik looked up peevishly。 〃You are speaking; Simon; to one raised in the mountains; as you are no doubt able to recall。 Part of manhood; I am thinking; is to ponder one's words before opening one's mouth。〃
  〃I'm sorry。〃 Simon tried to suppress a mischievous smile。 〃I didn't realize that trolls actually liked living where they do。 〃 
  〃Simon;〃 Binabik said sternly; 〃I think it would be a good thing if you went to gather up the horses。 〃
  〃So; Binabik;〃 Simon said at last; 〃what are the Nine Cities?〃
  They had been riding for an hour; tilting away at last from the base of the mountains and out onto the vast white sea of the Waste; following the line of what Binabik called the Old Tumet'ai Road; a broad causeway that had once linked the ice…bound city with its sisters to the south。 There was little to see of any road now; only a few large stones still standing on either side of the trail and an occasional patch of cobbles still in place beneath the covering snow。
  Simon had not asked the question out of any real eagerness to learn more history…his head was already crammed so full of strange names and places he could scarcely hold a thought…but the featureless terrain; the endless field of snow dotted with forlorn stands of trees; made him hungry for a story。
  Binabik; who had ridden slightly ahead; whispered something to Qantaqa。 Leaking plumes of vaporous breath; the wolf stopped in her wide tracks until Simon had caught up。 Simon's mare shied and pranced away。 As Qantaqa crunched inoffensively alongside; Simon patted the horse's neck; speaking low words of encouragement。 After a few head…swinging paces; she was able to continue her progress with nothing more than an occasional nervous snort。 For her part; the wolf paid no attention to the horse at all; her head held low as she sniffed at the snow。
  〃Good; Homefinder; good;〃 Simon ran his hand down her shoulder; feeling the tremendous muscles moving beneath his fingers。 He had named her and now she obeyed him! He felt himself filled with quiet joy。 She was his horse now。
  Binabik smiled at Simon's prideful expression。 〃You show her respect。 That is a good thing;〃 he said 〃Too often it is that men think those who serve are doing it from inferiorness or weakness。〃 He chuckled。 〃Folk who have those beliefs should ride a mount like Qantaqa; who could eat them if she chose。 They would then be learning humbleness。〃 He scratched the ridge of fur between Qantaqa's shoulders; the wolf stopped pacing for a moment to appreciate the attention; then dug forward through the snow once more。
  Sludig; riding just ahead; turned to look back。 〃Hah! You will be a horseman as well as a fighter; is that right? Our friend Snowlock is the boldest kitchen boy in the world!〃
  Simon scowled; embarrassed; and felt his skin wrinkling around his cheek…scar。 〃That's not my name。〃
  Sludig laughed at his disfiture。 〃And what is wrong with 'Simon Snowlock' for a name? It is a true name; honorably won。 〃
  〃If it is displeasing; Simon…friend;〃 Binabik said kindly; 〃we will call you some other thing。 But Sludig speaks rightly: your name was gained with honor; given to you by Jiriki of the highest Sithi house。 The Sithi are seeing more clearly than mortals…at least in some ways。 Like any of their other gifts; a name is not to be discarded with easiness。 Do you remember when you held the White Arrow above the river?〃
  Simon did not have to think hard。 The moment when he had fallen into the turbulent Aelfwent; despite all the strange adventures he had suffered since; remained a black spot in his memory。 It had been his idiot pride; of course…the other side of his mooncalf nature…that had sent him down into the swirling depths。 He had been trying to show Miriamele how lightly he regarded even the gifts of the Sithi。 The very thought of his foolishness made him feel ill。 What an ass he was! How could he ever hope Miriamele could care about him?
  〃I remember;〃 was all he said; but the joy of this moment was gone。 Anyone could ride a horse; even a mooncalf。 Why should he grow so large in his own estimation just because he had kept an already battle… hardened mare from balking? 〃You were going to tell me about the Nine Cities; Binabik;〃 he said heavily。
  The troll lifted an eyebrow at Simon's despairing tone; but did not pursue the subject。 Instead; he brought Qantaqa to a halt。
  〃Turn for a moment and be looking back;〃 the troll said; gesturing to both Simon and Sludig。 The Rimmersman made an impatient noise; but did as Binabik asked。
  The sun had pulled free from the mountain's embrace。 Its slanting rays now blazed along the face of the easternmost peak; laying fire along its icy cheek and throwing deep shadows in the crevices。 The imprisoned towers; dark streaks at dawn; now seemed to glow with warm reddish light; like blood running through the mountain's cold arteries。
  〃Look well;〃 Binabik said。 〃We may none of us be ever seeing that sight again。 Tumet'ai was a place of highest magic; as were all the great cities of the Sithi。 Their like will never again e to the light。〃 The troll took a deep breath; then suddenly and startlingly burst out into song:
  〃T'senei mezu y'eru;
  Iku'do saju'rha;
  0 do'mi he'hum
  Tumet'at' Zi'mu asuna!
  Shemisayu; nun'ai temuy'a。。。〃
  Binabik's voice carried out through the windless morning; disappearing with no answering echo。 〃That is the beginning of the song ofTumet'ai's fall;〃 he said solemnly。 〃A very old song; and one of which I am knowing only a few verses。 That one 1 have sung means 

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