八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tw.thestoneoffarewell >



小说: tw.thestoneoffarewell 字数: 每页4000字

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  A great show was made of lighting a tiny bed of coals in a trough set into the stone floor。 Yis…fidri's anxious care with them suggested that such fuel was hard to find; and used only for very special occasions。
  Maegwin could not help noticing the strangely graceful way that the dwarrows moved as they fetched the ingredients of their meal。 Despite their awkward; stiff…limbed gaits; they stepped in and out of the two doors at the room's opposite end and slid around obstacles with an odd; dancing fluidity; and seemed almost to caress each other in passing with their tuneful; pattering speech。 She knew she watched a pair of ancient lovers; both enfeebled; but so accustomed to each other that they had bee two limbs of the same body。 Now that the strangeness of the dwarrows' owl…eyed appearance had worn away; Maegwin observed their quiet interactions and felt certain that they were just what they seemed…a couple who might have seen terror and sorrow; but whose happiness with each other spanned centuries。
  〃e now;〃 Yis…fidri said at last; pouring something from a stone ewer into bowls for Maegwin and the count。 〃Drink。〃
  〃What is it?〃 Maegwin asked quietly。 She sniffed the liquid; but could discern nothing unusual in its smell。
  〃Water; Hern…child;〃 Yis…fidri said; puzzlement plain in his voice。 〃Do your folk no longer drink water?〃
  〃We do;〃 Maegwin smiled; lifting the bowl to her lips。 She had forgotten how long it had been since she had last sipped from her water skin; but it must have been hours。 The water ran down her throat in gulps; cold and sweet as iced honey。 It had a taste she could not identify; something stony but clean。 If it were a color; she decided; it would have been the blue of new evening。
  〃Wonderful!〃 She let Yis…fidri pour her another bowl。
  The dwarrows next produced a dish piled high with pieces of white; faintly luminous fungus; and other bowls with things in them that Maegwin was sinkingly sure were some kind of many…legged bugs。 These had been wrapped in leaves and roasted over the coals。 The spell cast by the draught of delicious water abruptly vanished and Maegwin found herself tottering once more on the edge of a terrible homesickness。
  Eolair manfully took a few bites of fungus…it was not by chance that he was deemed the best court envoy in Osten Ard…and ostentatiously chewed and swallowed one of the leggy morsels; then settled down to rearranging his supper in a way that resembled eating。 If Maegwin had needed any additional proof; the expression on his chewing face was enough to keep the contents of her own bowl far from her mouth。
  〃So; Yis…fidri; why is your house called the Pattern Hall?〃 the Count of Nad Mullach asked。 He quietly let a few blackened grubs fall from his fingertips and down into the hem of his cloak。
  〃We shall show that to you when eating is finished;〃 Yis…hadra said proudly。
  〃Then; if it is not impolite; may I ask you of some other things? Our time here is growing short。〃 Eolair shrugged。 〃I must return this lady to our people in the caverns above。〃
  Maegwin bit back a sneering remark。 Return this lady; indeed!
  〃Ask; Hern's child。〃
  〃You spoke of a mortal; one we know as Josua Lackhand。 And the voice from the stone said something about Great Swords。 What are these swords; and what do they have to do with Josua?〃
  Yis…fidri scraped with his spoon…shaped fingers at a fragment of fungus on his chin。 〃I must begin before the beginning; as we say。〃 He looked from Eolair to Maegwin and back。 〃In days agone; our folk made for a king of the northern men a sword。 That king betrayed his bargain。 When the time came to pay; the mortal king instead argued; then slew the leader of our folk。 That king hight Elvrit; first master of Rimmersgard。 The sword dwarrow…forged for him; he named Minneyar。〃
  〃I have heard this legend;〃 Eolair said。
  Yis…fidri held up a spidery hand。 〃You have not heard all; Count Eolair; if I have recalled your name aright。 Bitter was our curse on that blade; and closely did we watch it; though it was far from us。 Such is dwarrow…work; that nothing we have forged is ever far from our hearts or our sight。 Minneyar brought much sadness to Fingil and his tribe; for all it was a mighty weapon。〃
  He took a swallow of water to clear his throat。 Yis…hadra tenderly watched his face; her hand atop his。 〃We told to you that our Witnesses have stood unused for centuries of silence。 Then; little more than one year ago; the Shard spoke to us…or rather; something spoke to us through the Shard; as in the elder days。
  〃That which spoke was someone or something who we knew not; something that used the Speakfire in the old dwarrow…home of Hikehikayo; something that talked to us in gentle and persuasive words。 Strange enough was it to hear Shard and Speakfire talking as of old; but we also remembered the evil that had driven our fellows from their home…an evil of which you mortals need not hear; for it would throw you into great fear…so we trusted this stranger not。 Also; as long as it had been since we had last used the Witnesses; still some for us remembered the elder days and what it felt like when the Ziday'a did speak to us then。
  〃This was not the same。 Whatever stood before the Speakfire in the north seemed more like a cold breath of Unbeing than a living creature; for all its kindly words。〃
  Yis…hadra moaned softly beside him。 Maegwin; caught up in the dwarrow's story despite herself; felt a chill travel through her。
  〃That which spoke;〃 Yis…fidri continued; 〃wished to know of the sword Minneyar。 It knew we had been the blade's makers and it knew that we dwarrows are bound to our work even after it has gone from us; as one who has lost a hand often feels it still at the end of his arm。 The thing that spoke to us from Witness to Witness asked if the northern king Fingil had indeed taken the sword Minneyar into Asu'a when he con… quered that great place; and was it there still。〃
  〃Asu'a;〃 Eolair breathed。 〃Of course…the Hayholt。〃
  〃That is its mortal name;〃 Yis…fidri nodded。 〃We were frightened by this strange and fearful voice。 You must understand; we have been as castaways for more years than your people can dream。 It was obvious that some new power had arisen in the world; but one that nevertheless did mand the old Arts。 But we do not wish any of our old masters to find us and take us back; so at first we made no answer。〃
  The dwarrow leaned forward on his padded elbows。 〃Then; a short time ago…a few of the Moon…woman's changes; as you would reckon it beneath the sky…the Shard spoke again。 This time it did speak with the voice of the eldest of the Sithi; the voice you heard。 She also asked us of Minneyar。 With her; also; we were silent。〃
  〃Because you fear they will make you their servants again。〃
  〃Yes; Hern's man。 Unless you have ever fled from bondage; you will not understand that terror。 Our masters are ageless。 We are not。 They recall the old lore。 We diminish。〃 Yis…fidri rocked back and forth on his stool; the ancient leather of his garments rubbing and squeaking like crickets。
  〃But we knew something neither of our questioners did;〃 he said finally; there was a gleam m his round eye unlike anything the surface dwellers had yet seen。 〃Do you see; our masters think the sword Minneyar never left Asu'a; and that is true。 But the one who found the sword there beneath the castle; the one you call King John Prester; had it reforged and made new。 Under the name of Bright…Nail; he carried it all across the world and back。〃
  The Count of Nad Mullach whistled; a low; surprised mil。 〃So Bright…Nail was the old Scourge of the North; Fingil's Minneyar。 Strange! What other secrets did Prester John take to his grave above the Kynslagh; I wonder?〃 He paused。 〃But; Yis…fidri; still we do not understand。。。〃
  〃Patience。〃 The dwarrow showed a wintry smile。 〃You could never tend and harvest balky stone as we do; you quick…blooded Children。 Patience。〃 He took a breath。 〃The mistress of the Zida'ya told us that this sword; one of the Great Swords; was somehow much concerned with events now transpiring; and with the fate of the mortal prince named Handless Josua。。。 〃
  〃Josua Lackhand。 〃
  〃Yes。 But we think that is trickery; for she also said that this sword might be somehow vital against that same evil that had driven our tribesfolk out of Hikehikayo; and that the same evil soon might threaten all that walked above or below ground。 How could the fate of any mortal man affect the squabblings of immortals?〃 The dwarrow's voice quavered 〃It is another trap; to play on our fear。 She wishes us to seek her help; so we will fall into their clutch once more。 Did you not hear her? 'e to us at Jao e…Tinukai'i ' Was ever a trap more cold…bloodedly baited before the victim's eyes?〃
  〃So;〃 the count said at last; 〃somehow Josua's survival is tied to this blade?〃
  Yis…fidri shot him a worried glance。 〃So she claimed。 But how could she say his fate is tied to that of Minneyar when she did not even know it had been reforged? She said that none but us did know this thing; and that possibly many fates…perhaps the threads of all fate…were tied to three great swords; of which Minneyar was one。〃
  Yis…fidri stood; a haunted look upon his face。 〃And I will tell you a terrible; terrible thing;〃 he said miserably。 〃Even though we cannot trust our once…masters; we fear that they may be telling the truth。 Mayhap a great doom has e into the world。 If so; we dwarrows may have brought it on。〃
  Eolair looked around; struggling to make sense of what he had heard。 〃But why; Yis…fidri? Bright…Nail's history might be a deep and dark secret; but you dwarrows did not tell it to anyone。 When the Shard spoke to us; we said nothing of it; because we did not know the tale。 No secrets have been told。What doom have you brought on?〃
  The dwarrow was deeply pained。 〃I。。。 did not tell you all。 One last time before your arrival; the Shard called to us。 It was the fearsome stranger from Hikehikayo asking again of the sword Minneyar…that cursed sword。〃 He slumped bonelessly back onto the stool。 〃This time there was only one of us at the Site of Witness…young Sho…vennae; who you have met。 He was alone and the v

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