八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tc.redstormrising >



小说: tc.redstormrising 字数: 每页4000字

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n their fifties; experienced; serious men who both made and implemented policy; preparing for something they hoped would never e。 This hope continued; but by the time each had finished his second cup of coffee; it was decided that fleet training cycles would be increased; and a few surprise inspections would be made。 CINCLANT made an appointment with the Chief of Naval Operations for the following morning; and his deputy intelligence chief boarded a mercial airliner for a quick trip to Pearl Harbor; to meet with his opposite number in the Pacific。
Toland was relieved of his post and transferred to Intentions; part of CINCLANT's personal intelligence advisory staff。

6 … The Watchers

Intentions was a small second…floor office normally occupied by four officers。 Shoehorning Toland in there was difficult; mainly because all the classified material had to be covered up while the civilian movers got the desk in place。 When they finally left; Bob found he had just about enough space to get into and out of his swivel chair。 The office door had a cipher lock with five rocker switches concealed in a steel container。 Located in the northwest er of CINCLANT headquarters; the office's barred windows overlooked a highway and little else。 The drab curtains were closed anyway。 Inside; the walls might have been painted beige once; but the plaster had whitened from underneath to give the office the sort of pallor expected in a yellow…fever ward。
The senior officer was a Marine colonel named Chuck Lowe; who had watched the moving…in process with a silent resentment that Bob only understood when the man got to his feet。
〃I may never make it to the head now;〃 Lowe grumped; sticking his cast around the er of his desk。 They shook hands。
〃What happened to the leg; Colonel?〃
〃Mountain Warfare School out in California; day after Christmas; skiing on my own Goddamned time。 The docs say you should never break the tibia close to the bottom;〃 Lowe explained with an ironic smile。 〃And you never get used to the itching。 Should have this thing off in another three or four weeks。 Then I have to get used to running again。 You know; I spent three years trying to break my ass out of intel; then I finally get my Goddamned regiment; and this happens。 Wele aboard; Toland。 Why don't you grab us both a cup of coffee?〃
There was a pot atop the farthest filing cabinet。 The other three officers; Lowe explained; were giving a briefing。
〃I saw the writeup you gave CINCLANT。 Interesting stuff。 What do you think Ivan's up to?〃
〃It looks like he's increasing readiness across the board; Colonel…〃
〃In here; you can call me Chuck。〃
〃Fine…I'm Bob。〃
〃You do signal intelligence at NSA; right? You're one of the satellite specialists; I heard。〃
Toland nodded。 〃Ours and theirs; mostly ours。 I see photos from time to time; but mostly I do signals work。 That's how we twigged to the report on the four colonels。 There has also been a fair amount of operational maneuvering done; more than usual for this time of year。 Ivan's been a little freer with how his tankers drive around; too; less concern about running a battalion across a plowed field; for example。〃
〃And you're supposed to have a look at anything that's unusual; no matter how dumb it seems; right? That gives you a pretty wide brief; doesn't it? We got something interesting along those lines from DIA。 Have a look at these。〃 Lowe pulled a pair of eight…by…ten photographs from a manila envelope and handed them to Toland。 They seemed to show the same parcel of land; but from slightly different angles and different times of year。 In the upper left er was a pair of isbas; the crude huts of Russian peasant life。 Toland looked up。
〃Collective farm?〃
〃Yeah。 Number 1196; a little one about two hundred klicks northwest of Moscow。 Tell me what's different between the two。〃
Toland looked back at the photos。 In one was a straight line of fenced gardens; perhaps an acre each。 In the other he could see a new fence for four of the patches; and one patch whose fenced area had been roughly doubled。
〃A colonel…army…type…I used to work with sent me these。 Thought I'd find it amusing。 I grew up on a corn farm in Iowa; you see。〃
〃So Ivan's increasing the private patches for the farmers to work on their own; eh?〃
〃Looks that way。〃
〃Hasn't been announced; has it? I haven't read anything about it。〃  Toland didn't read the government's secret in…house publication; National Intelligence Digest; but the NSA cafeteria gossip usually covered harmless stuff like this。 Intelligence types talked shop as much as any others。
Lowe shook his head slightly。 〃Nope; and that's a little odd。 It's something they should announce。 The papers would call that another sure sign of the 'liberalization trend' we've been seeing。〃
〃Just this one farm; maybe?〃
〃As a matter of fact; they've seen the same thing at five other places。 But we don't generally use our reconsats for this sort of thing。 They got this on a slow news day; I suppose。 The important stuff must have been covered by clouds。〃 Toland nodded agreement。 The reconnaissance satellites were used to evaluate Soviet grain crops; but that happened later in the year。 The Russians knew it also; since it had been in the open press for over a decade; explaining why there was a team of agronomists in the U。S。 Department of Agriculture with Special Intelligence…partmented security clearance。
〃Kind of late in the season to do that; isn't it? I mean; will it do any good to give 'em this land this time of year?〃
〃I got these a week ago。 I think they're a little older than that。 This is about the time most of their farms start planting。 It stays cold there quite a long time; remember; but the high latitudes make up for it with longer summer days。 Assume that this is a nationwide move on their part。 Evaluate that for me; Bob。〃 The colonel's eyes narrowed briefly。
〃Smart move on their part; obviously。 It could solve a lot of their food supply problems; particularly for…truck…farm。 stuff; I guess; tomatoes; onions; that sort of thing。〃
〃Maybe。 You might also note that this sort of farming is manpower intensive but not machinery…intensive。 What about the demographic aspect of the move?〃
Toland blinked。 There was a tendency in the U。S。 Navy to assume that since they made their living by charging into machine…gun fire; Marines were dumb。 〃Most of the kokolzniki are relatively old folks。 The median age is in the late forties; early fifties。 So most of the private plots are managed by the older people; while the mechanized work; like driving the bines and trucks…〃
〃Which pays a hell of a lot better。〃
〃…is done by the younger workers。 You're telling me that this way they can increase some food production without the younger men。。。of military service age。〃
〃One way to look at it;〃 Lowe said。 〃Politically it's dynamite。 You can't take away things people already have。 Back in the early sixties; a rumor…wasn't even true…got started to the effect that Khrushchev was going to reduce or eliminate the private plots those poor bastards get。 There was hell to pay! I was in the language school at Monterey then; and I remember the Russian papers that came through the language school。 They spent weeks denying the story。 Those private plots are the most productive sector of their agricultural system。 Less than two percent of their arable land; it produces about half of their fruit and potatoes; more than a third of their eggs; vegetables; and meat。 Hell; it's the only part of the damned agricultural system that works。 The bigshots over there have known for years that by doing this they could solve their food shortage problems; and still they haven't done it for political reasons。 They couldn't run the risk of State sponsorship for a whole new generation of kulaks。 Until now。 But it appears they've done it without making a formal announcement。 And it just so happens that they're increasing their military readiness at the same time。 I never believe in coincidences; even when I'm a dumb line officer running across a beach。〃
Lowe's uniform blouse hung in the er。 Toland sipped at his coffee and surveyed its four rows of decorations。 There were three repeat pips on his Vietnam service ribbon。 And a Navy Cross。 Dressed in the olive…green sweater affected by Marine officers; Lowe was not a big man; and his Midwest accent gave evidence of a relaxed; almost bored outlook on life。 But his brown eyes said something else entirely。 Colonel Lowe was thinking along Toland's lines already; and he was not the least happy about it。
〃Chuck; if they are really preparing for some action…action on a large scale; they just can't mess with a few colonels。 Something else will start showing up。 They'll have to do some work at the bottom; too。〃
〃Yeah; that's the next thing we have to look for。 I sent a request into DIA yesterday。 From now on; when Red Star es out; the attach? in Moscow will send a photo…facsimile to us via satellite。 If they start doing that; it'll sure as hell turn up in Kraznaya Zvesda。 Bob; I think you've opened a very interesting can of worms; and you're not going to be alone examining it。〃
Toland finished his coffee。 The Soviets had taken an entire class of fleet ballistic missile submarines out of service。 They were conducting arms talks in Vienna。 They were buying grain from America and Canada under surprisingly favorable terms; even allowing American hulls to handle 20 percent of the cargo。 How did this jibe with the signs he had seen? Logically it didn't; except in one specific case…and that wasn't possible。 Was it?

The crashing sound of the 125mm tank gun was enough to strip the hair off your head; Alekseyev thought; but after five hours of running this exercise; it came through his ear protectors as a dull ringing sound。 This morning the ground had been covered with grass and dotted with new saplings; but now it was a uniform wasteland of mud; marked only with the tread marks of T…80 main battle tanks and BMP armored infantry fighting vehicles。 Three times the regiment had run this exercise; simulating a frontal assault of tanks and mounted infantry against an enemy of equal strength。 Ninety mobile guns had supplied fire support; along with a battery of rocket launchers。 Three times。

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