八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > bh.houseatreides >



小说: bh.houseatreides 字数: 每页4000字

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 Reverend Mother Anirul Sadow Tonkin stood waiting to greet Mohiam; beaming with pride; looking very young with her doelike face and short bronze hair。 Mohiam had never understood Anirul's importance; though even the Mother Superior often showed her deference。 The two women nodded to each other。
 In the midst of her fellow Sisters; Mohiam was escorted to a safe building; a large contingent of armed female guards had been posted to watch her。 She would be pampered and observed carefully until the baby was due。
 〃There will be no more travel for you; Mohiam;〃 Mother Superior Harishka said。 〃You must remain safely here  until we have your daughter。〃
 You of fearful heart; be strong and fear not。 Behold; your God will e with a vengeance; He will e and save you from the worshipers of machines。
 …The Orange Catholic Bible
 In the concubines' wing of the Imperial Palace; throbbing massage machines slapped and kneaded bare skin; using scented oils to caress every glorious contour of the Emperor's women。 Sophisticated physical…maintenance devices extracted cellulite; improved muscle tone; tautened abdomens and chins; and made tiny injections to soften the skin。 Every detail had to be the way old Elrood preferred; though he didn't seem much interested anymore。 Even the eldest of the four women; the septuagenarian Grera Cary; had the figure of a woman half her age; sustained in part through frequent imbibing of spice。
 Dawn's light was tinged amber by passing through the bank of thick armor…plaz windows。 When Grera's massage was plete; the machine wrapped her in a warm towel of karthan weave and placed a refreshing cloth soaked with eucalyptus and juniper over her face。 The concubine's bed changed into a sensiform chair that conformed perfectly to her body。
 A mechanized manicure station dropped from the ceiling; and Grera whispered through her daily meditations as her fingernails and toenails were trimmed; polished; and painted a lush green。 The machine slid back up into its overhead partment; and the woman stood and dropped her towel。 An electric field passed over her face; arms; and legs; removing barely discernible and unwanted hairs。
 Perfect。 Perfect enough for the Emperor。
 Of the current retinue of concubines; only Grera was old enough to remember Shando; a plaything who had left Imperial service to marry a war hero and settle down into a 〃normal life。〃 Elrood hadn't paid Shando much attention when she'd been among his numerous women; but once she'd left; he had railed at the others and moaned about his loss。 Most of his favorite concubines chosen in succeeding years looked a great deal like Shando。
 As she watched the other concubines go through similar body…toning procedures; Grera Cary thought of how things had changed for all the Emperor's harem。 Less than a year earlier; these women had congregated only rarely; since Elrood was with one of them so often; performing what he called his 〃royal duty。〃 One of the concubines; an Elaccan; had secretly given the old goat a nickname that stuck  〃Fornicario;〃 a reference from one of the Old Terran languages to his sexual prowess and appetites。 The women only used it among themselves; and snickered。
 〃Has anyone seen Fornicario?〃 asked the taller of the two youngest concubines at the other end of the room。
 Grera exchanged a smile with her; and the women giggled like schoolgirls。 〃I'm afraid our Imperial oak has turned into a drooping willow。〃
 The old man rarely came to the concubines' wing anymore。 Though Elrood spent as much time in bed now as ever; it was for an entirely different reason。 His health had declined rapidly; and his libido had already died。 His mind was the next thing likely to go。
 Suddenly the chattering women grew silent; turning with alarm toward the main entrance of the concubines' wing。 Without announcing himself; Crown Prince Shaddam entered with his ever…present panion; Hasimir Fenring; whom they often called 〃the Ferret〃 because of his narrow face and pointed chin。 The women covered themselves quickly and stood at attention to show their respect。
 〃What's so funny in here; hm…m…m…m…ah?〃 Fenring demanded。 〃I heard giggling。〃
 〃The girls were just enjoying a little joke;〃 Grera said; in a cautious tone。 Senior among them; she often spoke for the concubines。
 It was rumored that this undersized man had stabbed two of his lovers to death; and from his slithery demeanor Grera believed it。 Through her years of experience; she had learned how to recognize a man capable of extreme cruelty。 Fenring's genitals were supposedly malformed and sterile; though sexually functional。 She had never slept with him herself; nor did she wish to。
 Fenring studied her with overlarge; soulless eyes; then moved past her to the two new blondes。 The Crown Prince remained behind him; near the doorway to the solarium。 Slim and red…haired; Shaddam wore a gray Sardaukar uniform with silver…and…gold trim。 Grera knew the Imperial heir loved to play military games。
 〃Please share your little joke with us;〃 Fenring insisted。 He addressed the smaller blonde; a petite girl barely beyond her teens who was only slightly shorter than he was。 Her eyes resembled Shando's。 〃Prince Shaddam and I both enjoy humor。〃
 〃It was just a private conversation;〃 Grera responded; stepping forward protectively。 〃Personal things。〃
 〃Can't she speak for herself?〃 Fenring snapped; glaring back at the elder woman。 He wore a black tunic trimmed in gold; and many rings on his hands。 〃If this one's been chosen to entertain the Padishah Emperor; I'm sure she knows how to relay a simple joke; ah…mm…m…m…m?〃
 〃It was as Grera said;〃 the young blonde insisted。 〃Just a girl thing。 Not worth repeating。〃
 Fenring took hold of one of the edges of the towel she had been gripping tightly about her curvaceous body。 Surprise and fear covered her face。 He jerked at the towel; exposing one of her breasts。
 Angrily; Grera said; 〃Cease this nonsense; Fenring。 We are royal concubines。 No one but the Emperor may touch us。〃
 〃Lucky you。〃 Fenring gazed across the room at Shaddam。
 The Crown Prince nodded stiffly。 〃She's right; Hasimir。 I'll share one of my concubines with you; if you like。〃
 〃But I didn't touch her; my friend…I was only fixing her towel a little。〃 He let go; and the girl covered herself again。 〃But has the Emperor been。。。um…m…m…m…ah; utilizing your services much lately? We hear that a certain part of him is already deceased。〃 Fenring looked up at Grera Cary; who towered over the Ferret。
 Grera glanced over at the Crown Prince; seeking support and safety; but found none。 His cold eyes looked past her。 For a moment she wondered what this Imperial heir would be like in bed; if he had the sexual prowess his father had once possessed。 She doubted it; though。 From the cold…cod look of this one; even the withered man on his deathbed would still be a superior lover。
 〃Old one; you will e with me; and we will talk more of jokes。 Perhaps we can even exchange a few;〃 Fenring manded。 〃I can be a funny man。〃
 〃Now; sir?〃 With the fingers of her free hand she indicated her karthan…weave towel。
 His gleaming eyes narrowed dangerously。 〃A person of my station has no time to wait while a woman dresses。 Of course I mean now!〃 He grabbed a tuft of her towel and pulled her along。 She went with him; struggling to keep the towel wrapped around her。 〃This way。 e; e。〃 While Shaddam followed passively; amused; Fenring forced her to the door。
 〃The Emperor will hear of this!〃 she protested。
 〃Speak loudly; he has trouble hearing。〃 Fenring gave a maddening smile。 〃And who will tell him? Some days he doesn't even remember his own name  he certainly won't bother with a crone like you。〃 His tone sent a chill down Grera's spine。 The other concubines milled about; confused and helpless as their grande dame was unceremoniously hauled out of their presence and into the corridor。
 At this early hour no members of the royal Court were in evidence; only Sardaukar guards standing rigidly at attention。 And with Crown Prince Shaddam here; the Sardaukar guards saw nothing at all。 Grera looked at them; but they stared right through her。

 Since her flustered; stuttering voice seemed to irritate Fenring; Grera decided it would be safest to bee silent。 The Ferret was behaving strangely; but as an Imperial concubine she had nothing to fear from him。 The furtive man wouldn't dare do anything so stupid as to actually hurt her。
 Glancing back suddenly; she found that Shaddam had disappeared。 He must have scuttled off down another passageway。 She was pletely alone with this vile man。
 Fenring passed through a security barrier and pushed Grera ahead of him into a room。 She stumbled onto a black…and…white marbleplaz floor。 A large chamber with a stonecrete fireplace dominating one wall; this had once been a visitors' suite but was now devoid of furnishings。 It smelled of fresh paint and long abandonment。
 Remaining where she was; proud and fearless though wrapped in only a towel; Grera glanced up at him intermittently。 She tried not to show defiance or lack of respect。 Over her years of service; she had learned to stand on her own。
 The door closed behind them。 They were alone now; and Shaddam still hadn't appeared。 What did this little man want with her?
 From his tunic Fenring produced a green…jeweled oval。 After he pressed a button on its side; a long green blade emerged; glinting in the light of a glowglobe chandelier。
 〃I didn't bring you here for questions; crone;〃 he said in a soft tone。 He held the weapon up。 〃Actually; I need to test this on you。 It's brand…new; you see; and I've never really liked some of the Emperor's walking meat。〃
 Fenring was no stranger to assassination; and killed with his bare hands at least as often as he engineered accidents or paid for thugs。 Sometimes he liked blood work; while on other occasions he preferred subtleties and deceptions。 When he was younger; barely nineteen; he had slipped out of the Imperial Palace at night and killed two civil servants at random; just to prove he could do it。 He still tried to keep in practice。
 Fenring had always known he had the iron will necessary for murder; but he had been surprised at how much he enjoyed it。 Killing the previous 

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