八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > elizabethpeters.thegoldenone >



小说: elizabethpeters.thegoldenone 字数: 每页4000字

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 I had not dreamed of him for a long time。 They were strange dreams; unlike most others … as vivid and consistent as a real…life encounter would have been。 I am not at all superstitious; but I had e to believe that in some way the profound affection Abdullah and I had felt for one another transcended the barrier of death; and I looked forward to those dreams as I would have anticipated another meeting with a distant friend。 Perhaps now that I was back in Luxor; where we had shared so many unforgettable experiences; Abdullah would e to me again。
 After we passed Medinet Habu the road narrowed to a path and then to a track as it turned toward the hills。 It was Ramses who halted our caravan and Ramses who was the first to dismount; swinging himself off Risha's back in a single smooth movement。 The rest of us followed his lead。
 It was over a mile to the end of the wadi。 Leaving the cart and the horses there; we proceeded on foot for a few hundred yards; to the place where the wide mouth of the canyon narrowed and the hills began to rise; dividing the southern branch of the wadi from another tongue that ran off to the north。 Ramses stripped off his coat and took one of the coils of knotted rope。
 We had discussed the best method of proceeding the night before; and had agreed; or so I believed; Emerson had not liked it then and he did not like it now。
 〃My turn;〃 he insisted。 〃You've been in the stinking place already。 Once was enough。〃
 Ramses's mouth tightened with annoyance。 I knew how he felt; when there is a dirty job to be done; one wishes to get it over。 He wanted to spare his father; who wanted to spare him; and neither of them would give in without a struggle。 Then Bertie; who stood a little to one side; said suddenly; 〃I'll go。〃
 Taken by surprise; all of us turned to stare at him。 Meeting my doubtful eye; he smiled。 〃I've almost certainly seen worse; you know。〃
 It was almost certainly true。 He had been in the trenches in France for almost two years before he suffered the wounds that sent him home; ill and embittered。 I had heard stories 。 。 。
 〃You are not a good climber;〃 said Jumana; arms folded。 〃Ramses is much better。〃
 I could have shaken the girl。 Bertie flushed painfully; and I believe Cyrus was about to express his fatherly concern when Ramses cut him off。
 〃Right; then。 Here you go。〃 He handed Bertie the rope and gave Daoud an almost imperceptible nod。 They started off; Daoud sticking close to Bertie; Hassan trailing at a slight distance。
 〃Ramses;〃 I said。 〃Was that wise?〃
 〃He'll be all right; Mother。〃 Hands on hips; he watched the men climb up out of sight。
 〃He's got that bad leg;〃 Cyrus said anxiously。
 〃What's needed for this job is strength in the arms and shoulders;〃 Ramses said。 〃And nerve。 He's got them。 Daoud knows what to do。〃
 We went on to the end of the valley and the cliff in which the tomb lay hidden。 The rope Ramses had descended the previous day was still there; but we had concluded it would be safer for the men to approach from above rather than climb the sheer face。 They would then lower the remains down; and descend themselves。
 The first part of the procedure went as planned。 His white handkerchief pressed to his face; Cyrus watched every move made by the small forms atop the cliff with a concern he was not unwilling to express。 He had taken Katherine's children for his own; and Bertie had repaid his affection; even adopting Cyrus's name。 〃Have they got something to cover their faces?〃 he demanded; his voice muffled by the linen。 〃And gloves? And …〃
 〃Daoud knows what to do;〃 Ramses said again。 He was watching; too; his brow furrowed。 Jumana was the least concerned; having found a rock on which to sit; she was refreshing herself from a water bottle and humming under her breath。
 Bertie was the first to descend; and I was relieved to observe that he was being lowered by Daoud instead of going down hand over hand as Ramses had done。 He disappeared into the cleft and was followed by Hassan; who was carrying a folded piece of canvas and a length of rope。
 I suppose it did not take more than ten minutes for them to finish what they had e to do; but it seemed longer。 The first thing I saw was the neat white turban of Hassan。 Emerging with some haste; he caught hold of the rope and slid to the ground。
 〃Hell and damnation;〃 Emerson remarked; in a voice that echoed between the cliffs。 〃Did you leave him alone up there?〃
 〃It's all right;〃 Bertie called。 〃Look out below。〃
 The canvas…wrapped bundle swung as he lowered it; and kept banging against the rock face in a grisly fashion。 The stench was really quite horrid; but not even Cyrus backed away。 He was watching Bertie; who stood with feet braced; paying out the rope。 Ramses's assessment had been correct; he had strength enough for this。 The bundle was not very large。
 It settled onto the rock…strewn ground with a flexibility I prefer not to describe; and Bertie immediately began to descend。 Drawing his knife; Ramses cut the rope and would have lifted the body out of Bertie's way had not Selim intervened。 Hassan hastened to help him lift it onto a rough litter and carry it away。
 〃Well!〃 I said; drawing the first deep breath I had taken for several minutes。 〃Thank goodness that is safely acplished。 Now let us 。 。 。 Nefret? Nefret; where are you going?〃
 She had followed after Selim and Hassan and stopped them; far enough away so that the horrible smell did not reach us。
 〃Hell and damnation;〃 Emerson ejaculated。 〃She isn't 。 。 。 She surely won't 。 。 。〃
 The men lowered the litter to the ground。 Emerson emitted an even more blistering oath and started toward them。
 〃No; Father;〃 Ramses said。
 〃But … did she tell you she … aren't you going to stop her?〃
 Ramses shook his head。 〃She didn't tell me; but I suspected she would; and no; I am not going to stop her。 I played the masterful husband before。 I ought not have done so。 It is her decision and her right。 Please don't interfere。〃
 He went to join Nefret and stood watching; his hands in his pockets。 She looked up at him and spoke; briefly; before returning to her grisly task。 〃What is he doing?〃 Emerson demanded。
 〃Just being with her;〃 I said。 〃Sharing the unpleasantness in the only way he can。 It is really very sweet; Emerson。〃
 〃A sweet experience to share;〃 Emerson growled。 〃Well; curse it; I can do no less。 I will just go and …〃
 〃No; Emerson。 What about a spot of lunch while we are waiting? Bertie; I neglected to mend you on a task well done。 Would you care for a cheese sandwich?〃
 Bertie had removed the cloth that had covered his mouth and nose。 〃Good Lord; Mrs。 Emerson; I 。 。 。 Well; yes; thank you; if it isn't too much trouble; but she … Nefret … it is quite a horrible object; you know; and the sight of food …〃
 〃Don't worry about her;〃 I said。
 Cyrus only shook his head。 He had known Nefret longer than Bertie had。
 Though I am accustomed to corpses in all stages; from newly slain to long mummified; I was not particularly anxious to examine this one; or even to watch from a distance。 I kept my eyes averted until Selim and Hassan rewrapped the bundle and replaced it on the litter。 When Nefret and Ramses came back I observed that her hands and forearms were red; not with blood; but from the gritty sand with which she had cleaned them。 She was perfectly posed … more so than Ramses; whose features were not so controlled as they usually were。 At my suggestion he got out the bottle of alcohol and poured it over her hands。 She then seated herself and asked for a sandwich。
 The others watched her with varying degrees of admiration and consternation。 Jumana's eyes were enormous in a face that had lost its healthy color。 〃How could you?〃 she quavered。
 〃It's my profession;〃 Nefret said calmly。 〃Not an enjoyable profession at times like this one; but I'm used to it。 I knew the family wouldn't allow a proper autopsy; so this was my only chance to determine how the poor man died。〃
 〃Well?〃 Emerson demanded。 〃Did you?〃
 Nefret drank deeply from the water bottle before replying。 〃Fractured skull。 The back of his head was 。 。 。 I won't go into detail。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 Cyrus muttered; eyeing his sandwich with distaste。
 〃There were a number of broken bones;〃 Nefret went on。 〃I looked for a bullet or knife wound; but it wasn't easy to 。 。 。 Well; I won't go into that either。 The head injury was enough to have killed him。〃
 〃Fall or blunt instrument?〃 I inquired。
 Nefret shrugged。 〃Impossible to determine。 I did the best I could; but without the proper instruments …〃
 〃Yes; quite;〃 said Emerson。
 Selim returned to announce that Hassan had gone on with the cart and its burden; and we continued with our lunch。 Daoud soon joined us。 He had e round the long way; since he was not fond of climbing ropes; up or down。
 〃Are there more tombs in these cliffs?〃 Bertie asked; accepting another sandwich。
 〃Unquestionably;〃 Ramses replied。 〃If this area was used for the burials of royal females during the Eighteenth Dynasty; which seems likely; there are a number of known queens whose mummies have never been found; and Heaven knows how many unknown princesses and kings' lesser wives。〃
 〃Not to mention princes;〃 Nefret added; her eyes shining with archaeological fervor。 〃And royal mothers and sisters and …〃
 〃Cousins and aunts;〃 I said; with a chuckle; reminded of one of my favorite Gilbert and Sullivan arias。
 The others acknowledged my little joke with smiles and nods; except for Emerson; who sat like a boulder; staring off into space; and Selim; who was growing restless。
 〃The horses will not run away;〃 he said。 〃Not our horses。 But we should not leave them there too long。〃
 Emerson jumped up。 〃Quite right; quite right。 I will … er … this will only take a minute。〃
 I had expected Emerson would want to get into the cursed tomb。 I was not the only one who attempted to make him see reason; but he waved all objections aside。 〃I only want to have a look。〃
 〃Put on your pith helmet; Emerson;〃 I called after him。
 〃Yes; yes;〃 said Emerson; not doing so。
 He started to climb the rope; moving with an agility remarkable in so heavy a man。 He had not got very far when the quiet air was rent by a prolonged; high…pitched scream。 It w

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